Bear Grylls tip on surviving the Internet jungle

I love Bear Grylls.

There. I said it.

He can be my man-crush (don’t tell my missus).

I don’t love him for his good looks but for his pithy words of marketing wisdom.

Recently he was guiding a group of celebrities through a Costa Rican jungle and they were dropping like flies;

Skin infections, fatigue, fear, ineptitude and trench foot had all taken their toll.

Then Bear sat them all down;

“What do you do when things get really bad? When you have less energy, less motivation, less willpower and less food?”

They stared back blankly (secretly thinking “give up”).

Bear answered his own question;

“You give more. More, more, more!”

So Moto, if you’re in a tight spot right now. If you’re feeling down, if the whole world seems against you and if nothing is going your way;

You need to give more.

More determination.

More grit.

More balls.

And I personally recommend (with every fiber in my being) you devote every last ounce of your energy into joining iPro and here’s why;

Reason #1. Because it works (I’ve made over $416k profit from it recently and countless no-name guys are coining in thousands and thousands every month like clockwork)

Reason #2. Because you get all the support you need and all the coaching you want (live weekly coaching with iPro Founder Dean Holland and direct access to the iPro “family” – a true online community of friends the likes of which I’ve never experienced before)

Reason #3. Because you just send a little traffic (which I help you do) and the money comes out the other side.

This is as hands-free as it ever gets online which is why I’ve even been recommending this to my family who are clueless about the internet.

But don’t lie there in the jungle wasting away.

You need to jump on this right now, Bear Grylls stylee;


c) Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Please do not try to copy or swipe this because even my lawyers have lawyer

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