Would you survive if this happened to you?

I’m not going to lie;

I’m a wuss.

So when a mini van driver knocked me off my bike when I was going 32 miles an hour – the flesh-mangled carnage which resulted still brings a tear to my eye.

The bruising on my hip I could deal with.

Even the centimetre deep hole on my shoulder wasn’t causing me too much concern.

But as I limply cycled away after the crash, like a melted plastic action figure, I realised it was my wrist which has taken the brunt of the fall.

Investigations and X-rays by doctors revealed it wasn’t broken but it was badly sprained.

It soon became clear I couldn’t use my right hand for anything.

Not eating.

Not writing .

Not even typing.

In fact even today this email is being penned by my dictation software.

But I’m lucky

My business generates several hundred dollars in commissions every single day hands-free.

Hopefully you’ll never have to try and survive when losing the ability to use your hands.

But even so – wouldn’t it be cool if you could make big daily commissions hands-free just like I do?

Here’s how;



c) Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Please do not try to copy or swipe this because even my lawyers have lawyer

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