“No. I don’t want to join your Mafia crime syndicate.”

This is a real email I received today;

“I have been receiving your emails for about 10 years… you definitely know how to make money online, but I know how to count cards and beat the house at poker (table game of BJ, and machines that are poker-based with an advantage). Maybe we could help one another? I made tons of money in AC and lots in Vegas, too, but I lived in AC and just think counting is very easy…”


Let me not think about it for a fraction of a millisecond.

No thanks.

People are always asking me what the quickest way is to make money.

Crime is the answer.

Grab a gun.

Go count cards.

Go rob a bank (or better still – run one).

If you want a slightly slower, but more ethical, way of making money then get your guilt-free and unstained hands on this;



c) Copyright. All rights reserved. Please do not try to copy or swipe this because even my lawyers have lawyer

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