My friend nearly got shot for peeing on Border Patrol

You couldn’t make this up.

A group of us were travelling across the Sahara desert in a Bedford truck.

We came to a border between two countries and army personnel of questionable origin boarded our truck.

They wanted to see all our money and know in advance how much we had (without letting us count it).

They took all the money away to count and if our estimate was wrong we would be “fined”.

Basically we were being politely robbed.

Meantime my female friend heard the call of nature tinkling at her bladder.

So unbeknownst to the rest of us she left the truck and proceeded to the nearest bush where she had a pee.

At said relieving moment we spotted her and also the soldiers emerging from their hut shouting in her direction and brandishing large rifles.

They didn’t shoot her but I think she did add another unplanned bowel movement to her sandy deposit.

The lesson?

Don’t take a pee on someone else’s border.

It was easy for us to see it as “just a bush in the desert” but to them it was their border point.

It’s just like getting traffic on the internet (honestly it is) – you need to make sure you are attracting people to your website who “get you”.

(And not rifle-wielding psycho soldiers).

Anyway, I can’t help you cross borders but I can help you get “floods” of free traffic gushing into your website here;


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