If you get stuck trying to complete any of the steps below,
just click this HELP button and let our Support Team know:

STEP #1. Pick A Color
- The color you pick, will be used as a background color, behind your photo, on your website
- CLICK HERE to pick the color you want for the background on your website.
- Choose a color using the slider and then moving the mouse cursor on the larged colored rectangle
- Once you are happy with your chosen color, stop moving cursor and sliders
- Go to the box marked "RGB" and copy the THREE numbers listed there, e.g. "66, 135, 245"
- Open a new TEXT document or Word document and paste these three numbers into it - you will need this info (and the rest from this page) to put into a Support Ticket you send to us, in a moment

STEP #2. Choose Your Photo
- As large as possible
- Ideally with a plain background or uncluttered background
- Just you in the photo and nobody else
- Well-lit and big smile 🙂
- Doesn't need to be a pro-photo, or in a studio, outside or in front a wall inside is totally fine
- Have the photo some easy to access because you will need to attach it to the Support Ticket you submit to us, in a moment

STEP #3. Find Your JVZoo Affiliate ID
- Log in to JVZoo.com
- Click on "My Account" on the top navigation
- From the drop-down list which appears, select "My Account"
- This takes you to the "Your Personal Account Information Page"
- On that page, scroll down to the section "Affiliate Information"
- Find where it says "Affiliate ID:" and copy the number shown
- Take a note of your JVZoo Affiliate ID (you will need to put this in the Support Ticket you submit to us, in a moment)

STEP #4. Request Approval on These Michael Cheney Products in JVZoo
(you can SKIP this step if you already did this as a member of the $10K Accelerator Program)
IMPORTANT NOTE:Â Before requesting approval, make sure you have completed your "Payment Profile Setup" COMPLETELY in JVZoo. Otherwise, you won't be able to submit any applications.
You can find the "Payment Profile Setup" section by logging into your JVZoo affiliate account and clicking "My Account" => "Payment Profiles".
Child's Play Profits:Â Request Approval Here (If you see a blue "Get Links" button it means you already approved and do not need to do anything, otherwise enter the text "NETBUCKS" in the text box and Request Approval)
Commission Cartel:Â Request Approval Here (If you see a blue "Get Links" button it means you already approved and do not need to do anything, otherwise enter the text "NETBUCKS" in the text box and Request Approval)
Commission Machine:Â Request Approval Here (If you see a blue "Get Links" button it means you already approved and do not need to do anything, otherwise enter the text "NETBUCKS" in the text box and Request Approval)
Email Black Ops:Â Request Approval Here (If you see a blue "Get Links" button it means you already approved and do not need to do anything, otherwise enter the text "NETBUCKS" in the text box and Request Approval)
Fan Page Money Method:Â Request Approval Here (If you see a blue "Get Links" button it means you already approved and do not need to do anything, otherwise enter the text "NETBUCKS" in the text box and Request Approval)
List Building Black Ops:Â Request Approval Here (If you see a blue "Get Links" button it means you already approved and do not need to do anything, otherwise enter the text "NETBUCKS" in the text box and Request Approval)
The Gold Rush:Â Request Approval Here (If you see a blue "Get Links" button it means you already approved and do not need to do anything, otherwise enter the text "NETBUCKS" in the text box and Request Approval)
Commission Black Ops:Â Request Approval Here (If you see a blue "Get Links" button it means you already approved and do not need to do anything, otherwise enter the text "NETBUCKS" in the text box and Request Approval)

STEP #5. Get a WarriorPlus Account
(you can SKIP this step if you already did this as a member of the $10K Accelerator Program)
- Create your new WarriorPlus account (it's free)
- Confirm your email to activate your account
- That's it!

STEP #6. Request Approval on Michael's "Fast Track to 1 Million" Product on WarriorPlus
(you can SKIP this step if you already did this as a member of the $10K Accelerator Program)
- Click Here to go to the Affiliate Sign Up page for "Fast Track to 1 Million"
- If you see "Your Affiliate Link is: " on this page, it means you are already approved
- If you are NOT yet approved, use the text "NETBUCKS" in the text box and Request Approval
- The approval is done manually and can take several hours depending on staff workloads, so please be patient. Thanks! 🙂

STEP #7. Get Your Exact Affiliate Link for "Fast Track to 1 Million"
- Wait to get approval - this is done manually, so please be patient, it can take several hours depending on staff workload
- Once you have approval go back to the Affiliate Details Page here
- Look at the green section on the screen, and you will see it says "Your affiliate link is: [link]"
- Copy and keep safe your affiliate link for "Fast Track to 1 Million" (you will need this to submit a Support Ticket, in a moment)

STEP #8. Submit A Support Ticket Using This Template So We Can Build Your Website
- Click Here to open the Support Desk
- Click "Submit Request" at the top right of the screen
- Use this Template to fill out all your details and remember to attach your photo!
SUBJECT: Please Build My NETBUCKS Website
My chosen color is [ ENTER YOUR CHOSEN COLOR CODE e.g. 87, 143, 120 ]
My photo is attached.[ Attach your photo to the support ticket ]
My name, which I understand will be used in the domain name, website, and Lead Magnet) is [ INSERT YOUR FULL NAME - FIRST NAME & LAST NAME ]
My country is [ ENTER YOUR COUNTRY ].
My local currency is [ ENTER YOUR CURRENCY e.g. USD, GBP, CAD, AUD, NZD - this is so we can pay you the Instant Passive Income ].
I confirm I have a JVZoo.com account and have requested approval on Michael's JVZoo products (or have already got approval on them). My JVZoo Affiliate ID is: [ INSERT YOUR JVZOO AFFILIATE ID, e.g. 12345 ]
My WarriorPlus affiliate link for "FastTrackTo1Million" product is [ INSERT your WarriorPlus Affiliate Link for FastTrackTo1Million here e.g. https://warriorplus.com/o2/a/12345/0 ]
Thank you.

STEP #9. Get Access To The NETBUCKS Members Area
- Click Here to get access to the NETBUCKS Members Area