Should you write content to get traffic?

I mean, sure, you could write whole bunches of content and lock yourself away in the office for the next 49 months cranking out content until you’re blue in the face.


Why bother?

The only thing you will gain from all this extremely hard work is a lower shampoo bill because you pulled all your hair out due to the stressful content creation process.


I hate to tell you this buddy but even with all that hard work, you probably won’t get much traffic from it.

Harsh reality.

So what’s a poor marketer to do?


You could but I have a better solution for you…

Leverage other people’s viral content which the interwebs are going crazy over.

This is totally doable.

And totally legitimate as well.

So don’t create your own content to get traffic.

Instead, click here and use other people’s hot viral traffic;


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