What’s your PayPal address? (seriously)

images (2)This isn’t one of those bait and switch emails where it looks like you’re getting money only for some douche to drop a sales pitch on you.

This is the real deal.

I’m putting my money where my mouth is here and giving you money direct to your Paypal account today.

Here’s the deal:-

Because I believe in Eric Larson’s “Little Guy, Big Profits” program so much – this newbie guy made $20,987 in just a few months with no list, affiliates, experience or clue – I’m going to loan you the money to buy it.

All you have to do is apply Eric’s method then pay me back the loan with the money you make.

That’s how confident I am you will make money with this.

Now sure;

There’s gonna be Baron von Douchebag the Third, Captain Dickweed and Queen Bitcheroonie who just take advantage of my kind offer and use the money I send them to buy donuts.


While they stay fat and broke you can get the real skinny on making money online and start generating substantial income.

Here’s how this works:-

Step #1. Check out the “Big Guy, Little Profits” page so you know what you’re getting;



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