“Russian Hackers made me broke.”

No they didn’t.

You did.

With your poor decision-making and lack of action.

With your constant focus on the negative, finger-pointing and failure to look in the mirror and see the real problem.


It disgusts me the sheer volume and audacity of some people’s excuse library.

So creative.

So vivid.

So sad.

Pity they can’t devote as much effort and time to actually getting shizzle done as creating their excuses.

Hackers, Trump, Clinton, Brexit, the Economy, the Government, their spouse, their childhood, their neighborhood, their family…

Excuses are ten a penny.

Entrepreneurs with balls are not.

Ben Martin is one of them.

He’s fast becoming one of the most respected people in Internet Marketing because;

– He works hard – He makes no excuses – His methods actually work – He cares about his customers

Start making a difference to your life by actually changing something you have control over;

How much money you make:-



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