100% Guaranteed Affiliate Strategy (works every time)

Quick lesson for you…

This is so simple that even a primate can do it.

(I couldn’t resist the monkey joke)

Okay Okay simmer down now…

In all seriousness,

If you’re struggling to make affiliate commissions its because you’re not promoting products correctly.

Now… listen… don’t try to insert an excuse here like “ohh well I just don’t have a big list.”

Wrong. Thats not it. I used to make money as an affiliate even before I ever had a list to mail to.

The “no list” thing is just a bullshit excuse that your subconscious is drumming up to justify your failure and protect your feelings.

Its BOOLSHEET. Trust me. Instead… Get mad and TAKE ACTION. Anger is the best motivator, so stop trying to find a reason to justify failure and instead use that anger to FUEL your success.

I’m about to tell you EXACTLY what to do to start making commissions.

Don’t let your subconscious play tricks on you. Don’t make excuses. If you do this – you’ll make money. If you don’t – you’ll make excuses

#1. Log into JVZoo and navigate to ‘Affiliates’ > ‘Find Products’.

#2. Pop in a keyword, this can be on anything you like.

#3. When you like the look of a product, click on the ‘Request’ button to request approval.

#4. Once approved take your link and then add it to the ‘Page Settings’ > ‘Affiliate Link’ section in your Commission Gorilla page.


Just do it.

So stop monkeying around, get focused, get Commission Gorilla and follow those 4 steps to profit;



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