graph-163549_640That’s the sound of my colleague John cracking the whip with our coaching students.

He invented that word and I’ve stolen it for this email.

It’s okay;

He doesn’t know and won’t be able to sue me for royalties because he’s on a much-earned annual break right now.

Anyhoo – the point is this;

Both John and I are whip-crackers but the rewards are worth it.

As one of our current students, Naidy Phoon, said in his own words ;

“Prepare to work like a horse and you’ll be rewarded like a king.”

His launch this week (the Ultimate Traffic Monster) has already sold over 2000 units, pulled in over $20,000, hit #1 bestseller on JVZoo and been awarded Product of The Day.


If you want to see why everyone and their dog is clamouring to buy this go grab it for yourself;


And if you want to have a kick-ass launch like Naidy’s then watch out next week as I’m opening up my Insider’s Circle Coaching Program again…


(c) Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Please do not try to copy or swipe this because even my lawyers have lawyers.

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