How to sell picks and shovels

It’s one of the best-kept secrets of internet marketing;

You can make a ton of money selling “picks and shovels” rather than digging for gold yourself.

Just like the gold rushes in the 1800s;

The biggest earners were those canny shop owners selling picks and shovels – not the hapless gold hunters heading out to the hills.

There are literally millions of digital product creators out there and the number is growing by hundreds of thousands every single year.


Well every single one of these people need an ecover for their ebooks, reports, trainings and products.

They used to have to pay hand over fist to get the services of some pony-tailed designer to do this – but no more.

You can now be the “pick and shovel” seller to these guys.

You don’t need any design skills (or any talent whatsoever).

You just need Pixel Studio FX (it takes 5 mins to create an ecover) and the free bonus from me which shows you where the hungry buyers are online and how to win their business.

This is a new opportunity unlike any other.

But you need to move fast on this.

Just like the original gold rush – those who got a headstart brought back the biggest hauls.

Fill your boots here;


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