Dear Mr. Cheney – please can I see you in your underpants?

Rant warning:

If you ask me the most-annoying question in internet marketing (involving starting over, nothing but underpants, you get the drift) I will not be held responsible for my actions, contraventions of international laws and general Hulk-like displays of rage.

Thankfully though;

I got a really smart question from subscriber Lizzy Francis yesterday;

“I see all these opportunities online it’s so hard to know which one to invest in – what money method do you recommend to your friends and family??”

Usually nothing.

Because they’re not internet savvy and won’t get anywhere.


I just found something which has personally made me over $500k (clear profit).

This truly is – the ONLY way left for the little guy to get rich online;


c) Copyright. All rights reserved. Please do not try to copy or swipe this because even my lawyers have lawyer

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