Gorilla Warfare

This is crazy.

I have never seen anything like this before.

It’s the ultimate battle of the bonuses and it’s getting really bloody out there.


It’s all because of this new must-have Commission Gorilla software which was launched on Thursday.

Seems like every affiliate is promoting it so there is some major competition going on.

And the only way to stand out from the crowd is to offer a bonus and I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of them over the past few days.


You are probably bonus shopping yourself.

So let’s get down and dirty and see what I’m up against.

You’ve got Private Peashooter;

Guilty of possessing a teeny weeny bonus comprising solely of rehashed PLR products from 1972.


You’ve got Corporal Codswallop;

Guilty of truth-stretchery with outrageous claims of “Only 1 bonus left” and the cringe-tastic “Worth at least One Trillion Dollars”.


And you have Brigadier Bandwagon;

Guilty of First Degree Lazyitis and copycat shenanigans with the lame tactic of just using the default email swipes;

“Hi there firstnamefix,…”

Poor show.

Then you have me;

Giving you the best bonus out there.

You might even want to buy Commission Gorilla twice just to get your hands on this.

So get on your feet Private and march you way over and grab yourself a copy now;



c) Copyright. All rights reserved. Please do not try to copy or swipe this because even my lawyers have lawyer

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