They Sold 252 Websites Generating $7,212.82 in Sales

Over a 7 day period, John Thornhill and Dave Nicholson sold 252 websites generating $7,212.82 in sales.

All 100% automated, and it wasn’t a product launch.

This is actually a business model they have operated successfully since 2004 and it’s generated millions of dollars in sales for them.

If you attended the webinar where they shared exactly how they did it you’ll already know how easy it is to duplicate their successful website selling business.

If you missed it you still have a chance to see what was shared, but not for much longer as they can’t leave this online indefinitely.

So do yourself a favour and find the time to watch what they have to share before it’s taken down.

The whole presentation is under 60 minutes long and is 100% fluff free.

Here’s the link you need;


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