My journey into the nether regions of business failure

Failure sucks.

There’s no two ways about it.

The Tony Robbins’ of this world can try and spin if however they like.Man

When you fail, it hurts.

And for a time this year I failed hard.

To the tune of losing around $100,000.

Now listen up Moto.

Before you run to the hills screaming like a cotton-headed ninnymuggins lemme just tell you something…

This is not some sob story designed to sell you something.

In fact, far from it.

I’m embarrassed to admit this email doesn’t even have a freakin link in it.


The reason I’m sharing my failure with you is to warn you.

Because it can happen to anybody.


I’ve made a ton of dough over the years so I thought a little journey away from internet marketing for a year and half would be a breeze.

Boy was I wrong.

A few wrong turns is all it takes to waste $100k and 18 months of your life.

Who knew?

The good news is I managed to get the good times rolling again although I can’t take any of the credit.

It was actually thanks to an ex New York paramedic.

This guy used to be a paramedic for the New York Fire Department.

He lost his best friend and partner during 9/11 and quit the job to go into internet marketing.

He has a heart of gold.

And when I reached out to him to ask him for help his response was both immediate and effective…

He gave my flatlining business “CPR” and took it from a position of making a loss to bringing in $53k a month.

And this transformation happened in just 3 – 4 months.


Tomorrow I’ll tell you more about who this guy is and what he did to blast me from flatline to $53k a month.

And no, in case you’re thinking it, there won’t be a link to buy anything in that email either.

Just a big vote of thanks and dollop of gratitude for my ex-paramedic friend.

He’s turned my business and my life around and I love him to bits for it.

You’ll get the next installment of the story tomorrow.

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