My name’s Michael and I’m a promoholic

bargain-484370_640I’m an addict.

Sending out promos like this one gives me a big buzz.

“Why?” I doth hear you asketh…

#1. Because I have fun writing this shizzle (compare it to most of the snoozetastic garbage disgracing your inbox).

#2. Because I get lots of compliments every day (and, admittedly, a small number of death threats) and;

#3. Because I make money every time I hit send.


If you had a way of pushing a button and making money how many times would you push it?

It’s like my mate Naidy’s “Ultimate Traffic Monster” method.

It’s free, you hit send and you get commissions out the other side.

You can do it in 17 minutes (yes I have verified this for you) and the cherry on top is…

You don’t even need a list.

Curiosity killed the cat.

But it also made you buy this;


(c) Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Please do not try to copy or swipe this because even my lawyers have lawyers.

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