To free or not to free, that is the question

question-mark-603544_640Most people choose free.

And they are wrong.

By giving away free content every week in an email, you might think you are building up trust.

You believe you are building up your relationship with your list which will lead to many sales in the future.

This is wrong.

It’s wrong because people take advantage of you.

Your list gets used to the free content you’re sending them every week and if you stop giving that freebie, your subscribers will run to the hills screaming.

Or heaven forbid you suddenly hit them with a promotion – they are overcome with horror and won’t buy.

So how do you solve this dilemma?

There’s a very specific way you need to give free content away and it’s not about putting it all over Facebook or putting it on Youtube or emailing people free pdf’s all the time.

You’ve got to do it in a very precise way otherwise you will dilute your efforts.

A person who is a master at this is my very good friend Richard Legg.

Richard has put together some free training that will show you exactly how to give away free stuff the right way and make money at the same time.

But like every other good thing, his training won’t be available forever.

He is pulling down his training at midnight EST tonight so make sure you watch it now;


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