Marketing lessons from a wandering monk

enlightenment-154910_640Hare Krishna’s are well known for standing in airports or street corners giving flowers to people walking by.

Imagine yourself trying to get to your destination when all of a sudden one of these monk guys shove a flower in your hand.

You can’t really turn a monk down.

You can’t say no I don’t want your flower Mr. monk. How dare you, you evil orange-robed villain.

So of course, you accept the flower.

The monk then asks you for a donation.

Without warning, there is a sense of reciprocation. Since the monk gave you something for free, you feel that you kind of owe the guy and give him a donation.

You see the marketing lesson there?

The monks gave something away for free and people almost feel duty-bound to make a donation.

That’s what you should be doing with your marketing efforts as well.

Give something away for free and take some money in return.

Most marketers have no problem giving stuff away. It’s the making money part that is hard to do.

One person that has absolutely no problem making large amounts of money by giving stuff away is fellow marketer Richard Legg.

Last week Richard held a free training webinar showing how to do this.

If you missed it, you can still watch the replay of the training.

Time is of the essence right now though because Richard will be removing the replay at midnight EST on Sunday (tomorrow);


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