How to make $100k a year giving stuff away for free

hands-462296_640Everywhere you look online, people are giving stuff away for free.

The most common examples you have probably seen are marketers giving stuff away just to get people on their lists.

People also give stuff away to get likes on Facebook.

There are many other ways as well. I’m sure you get the picture.

But what most people are not doing is making money at the same time.

And it’s really easy to do once you know how.

There is actually a very specific way you can give content away for free whilst at the same time make money.

Not many people know how to do this and even fewer are teaching it.

One of those is my colleague Richard Legg and this week Rich is giving away free training that shows you how to make $100k a year giving stuff away for free.

This training was live the other day and it got a lot of great feedback and people really loved it.

In case you missed it, Rich has the replay online for a short time and will be removing it Sunday at midnight.

Here it is;

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