How I made $200k pushing over a domino

domino-21172_640I remember as a kid watching the TV in awe as some group of Japanese domino nerds attempted to beat the latest domino world record;

Everything was set up to perfection.

An entire school hall of dominoes all perfectly lined-up and then…

Just a single finger push and the magic happens.

Thousands upon thousands of dominoes come tumbling down one by one.

Just one tiny action to start the thing and then it has a life and momentum of its own.

This is what Content Nitrous does for your sales.

You take the copy and paste code (this is the setting up of all the dominoes).

Then you activate it on your website (this is the single finger-push on the first domino).

And the rest just happens.

The first time I saw it for myself I was angry.

Yes I said angry.

Angry because I hadn’t used this on all my websites sooner than this.

I’ve used it plenty of times since including most recently when I bagged $200k.

Good dominoes.

Don’t put this off another second because the low launch price and my free bonuses are going away at midnight today;


c) Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Please do not try to copy or swipe this because even my lawyers have lawyer

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