Why the “sending too many emails” myth is a total crock

email-email-447458_640Casteth your eyes upon this email from a reader;

“Hey Michael,

Been watching your emails since I signed up on your list.

I am very curious, does sending 4 email per day work the best? Personally, if I wasn’t trying to learn from you, I would unsub your list for all the emails.

Maybe that is just me?

Looking forward to your reply.”

$6397 is my answer.

This is how much I made (in pure profit) just last week sending emails.

Most people don’t make this in a month of 160 hours solid work.

I made it in 4 hours of email writing and had fun in the process.

Question for ya;

Do you think I’d have made the same sending one a day or, heaven forbid, a weekly digest?


Not a cat in hell’s chance.

You see:-

When you’ve been doing marketing as long as I have (15 years) you get to know what works.

You never stop learning but you don’t change what continues to work.

It’s just like my good friend Jim Daniels…

He’s been doing internet marketing longer than I have (he got started in ’96) and he quickly found something which worked.

It doesn’t use loopholes, shortcuts, Google, Facebook, product launches or hype.

He’s built a 6-figure a year internet business using fundamentals.

So if you’re looking for a magic sugar pill to cure what ails you then look away now.

If you want the truth about what you should be doing to build a 6-figure business from a true veteran of IM who knows what works then go grab this;



c) Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Please do not try to copy or swipe this because even my lawyers have lawyer

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