I’m just going into niche marketing and may be some time

Exploring niches can become a dangerous pastime…

Just like it was for army officer, Captain Lawrence Oates for example.

Captain Oates was a member of Robert Falcon Scott’s expedition team back in the early 1900’s.

They were attempting to be the first people to make it to the South Pole.

When they arrived in Antarctica, they ran into extreme cold weather and their ponies had to be put down because they couldn’t survive the weather.

But they kept pushing on and eventually made it to the South Pole.

At a time when they should have been celebrating for making it that far south, instead they were suffering from hypothermia and other illnesses because of the extreme weather.

And then:-

Captain Oates, on his 32nd birthday, decided to leave the tent while a raging blizzard was going on outside.

As he walked out of the tent he said…

“I am just going outside and may be some time.”

Captain Lawrence Oates never came back.

This reminds me of most internet marketers. Most people leave the comfy tent of internet marketing…

Go out into the freezing cold Antarctic landscape of niche marketing…

They don’t know what they are doing and end up freezing their nuts off.

They don’t have the right equipment, they don’t have the right preparations and resources.

They don’t come back.

In niche marketing, the keywords you choose to target will determine whether you make it back alive or not.

So there is no room for error.

Don’t make the same mistakes as most other marketers do – grab your long underwear and point your keyword dog sledding team towards this link now;



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