Please write my wife a letter when I die

I’m serious.

Back in the mid 2000s I had an online hero;

Corey Rudl.

He was one of the first people I studied under.

I learned and earned a lot from that guy.

But sadly he died in a tragic car acccident and I remember feeling so saddened and impacted by his life and death I wrote his wife a letter.

I explained how he’d helped turn my life around and how I was finally make big money online and teaching others.

I said how grateful I was for Corey and that he would never know how much he impacted the life of me and my family.

When I die I hope you do the same for my wife.

I’m not planning on going anywhere any time soon of course but I thought it prudent to put this out there.


In order for me to have truly impacted your life, made you a ton of money and turned things around for you then you need to have implemented what I’ve taught you.

Most people don’t.

But that’s ok.

Because now there’s a way you make all the money without having to do all the hard work or learning.

Yes – you guessed it – the 7-Figure Franchise of course.

But hurry because this offer will be pushing up daisies real soon;


c) Copyright. All rights reserved. Please do not try to copy or swipe this because even my lawyers have lawyer

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