Marijuana was served at a kids party? WTF?


It was a kids’ 15th birthday party and some spacehead joker thought it would be a good idea to produce some candy made with Mary J.


A ton of kids were hospitalized (fortunately none seriously) and the party has now gone down in folklore.

For all the wrong reasons.

And this story set me thinking;

Just because you have an idea for a product (like Mary J candy) it doesn’t mean you should actually release it.

Hellz no.

I know it can be all too easy to get brainwashed by the endless conveyor belt of experts all telling you to create your own product.

But the truth is:-

You can make more money than a drug dealer (and with a clean conscience too) without having to create a product of your own.

You can just sell other people’s and make a very tidy profit.

If you know what you’re doing.

Like I do.

(To the tune of $1442.29 a day, 365 days a year).

So don your best party hat, leave the Mary J candy behind and head over to this link for a real profit party;


c) Copyright. All rights reserved. Please do not try to copy or swipe this because even my lawyers have lawyer

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