Confessions of a domain-a-holic.

I’m an idiot.

I don’t know if you make the same mistake but sometimes I get what I think is a great idea for a domain name and I just snap it up.

“It will come in handy”, I think.

“I could sell it later”, I think.

“It’s an investment”, I think.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

What a total waste of money – every last one of them.


I’m looking in the wrong places for the domain names, I’m making the wrong choices of words in the domain names and I also have no clue on how to sell them.


But I know a guy who’s an absolute ninja at this stuff.

* He’s bought $9 domains and sold them for $5000.

* He’s bought $20 domains and sold them for $15000.

* He’s even sold one domain name for $50000.

In total he’s sold over $400,000 of domain names.

And guesseth ye what?

There’s a process to it.


He knows WHERE to look to find the best domain names, he owns the BEST list of cool words to include in your domain and also the BEST way to sell your domains for the most profit.


Because I love this guy, Jamie Lewis, to pieces and because I want you to buy this I’m giving you…

Cool Thing #1 – Discount Coupon Code (Gets you $47 off the already low price)

Cool Thing #2 – Tons of free traffic to the domain or domain auction of your choice to drive up the bids and money you make (see page for details)

Go start selling your own highly-profitable domain names today;


c) Copyright. All rights reserved. Please do not try to copy or swipe this because even my lawyers have lawyer

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