Longjohn Newbie and the 332 pieces of Eight

Oooh arrrr.

There once was a Cap’n Newbie.

He was sailing the seven seas of internet marketing adrift.

Unsure where he was going.

No map and no island in sight.

But then one day he came across this scary looking sea rover with a hook for a hand and an eye patch over his left eye who yelled out to him…

“Ahoy, matey!”

“You look like a upstanding buccaneer so I’m going to share my treasure map with you.”

“You see, I’m about to become shark bait soon and want to share a secret with someone before I go.”

“My secret will show you how you can get your hands on some bountiful booty.”

“My secret will show you exactly how you can make $332 in just 20 minutes.”

Yo Ho Ho.

Grab my booty while you can;



c) Copyright. All rights reserved. Please do not try to copy or swipe this because even my lawyers have lawyer

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